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Can you use a wok on an electric stove?

“Can you use on an electric stove?” is the question we’ll be answering as we dig into the world of culinary arts. In this article, we explore the potential and factors to consider while using a wok on a contemporary hob. 

Learn more about how it works and things you should keep in mind to make wonderful stir-fried foods. You may go on a savory trip that merges tradition and convenience in the world of wok cooking on an electric stove if you know what to expect and how to handle it.

What Does Wok Mean?

You probably know what a wok is if you’ve eaten at an Asian restaurant or been to the Orient. Those who are unaware will find this helpful guide. A big cooking utensil known as a wok has circular bottoms and high walls up the sides.

In most cases, they come with two handles; nevertheless, there are also variations of woks that have a single handle that is very lengthy. A wok’s inside is concave, which allows it to absorb a significant amount of heat in a short amount of time. 

When paired with gas burners that produce a great deal of heat, this makes it possible for a wok to speedily prepare a wide variety of stir-fried foods, the most well-known of which is probably fried rice. Because it transfers so much heat, woks have a surface that is in some ways resistant to sticking, which is one of the many advantages of this property. 

Even if you don’t conventionally season the pan, as you would a cast iron skillet, you don’t have to be too concerned about grains, veggies, and meats sticking to the top and being scorched. This is because the pan has a nonstick coating.

What Are Woks Mainly Used For?

For stir-frying, woks are nearly always preferred over other cooking vessels. You can flip your meal without the need for a spatula or ladle if you put in the necessary amount of practice. In as little as one minute, uncooked white rice may be transformed into properly cooked fried rice by using a wok that has been heated over an open flame for an adequate amount of time.

A “healthier” version of fried dishes may be prepared in a wok, which may delight those of you who are reading this and are concerned about your diet. To get a non-stick surface in a wok, you do not need to use a lot of oil. Your food will turn out less oily as a result, which means that you will be able to enjoy more wonderful stir-fried meals each week with a significant reduction in the amount of guilt that you feel. 

Woks are so versatile because of the high walls that they may be used for almost everything, including the preparation of stews and gravies. Traditional pans and skillets have flat bottoms, but the wok’s base is spherical, which helps it transmit a lot more heat than these other types of cookware. To prepare your favorite foods using the slow cooking method, you need to reduce the temperature on your burner.

Is It Possible to Use Wok On An Electric Stove?

To answer your question, the use of a wok on top of an electric range is certainly possible. Although historically woks are used on gas burners owing to their high heat production and ability to offer consistent heat distribution, woks may also be used well on electric stoves with the application of a few changes and some careful considerations. 

The absence of a direct flame on an electric hob is one of the most significant obstacles that must be overcome when utilizing a wok, since this might reduce the amount of heat produced. Nevertheless, various other approaches may be used to circumvent this problem. One approach would be to make use of a wok with a base that is particularly built for use on electric stovetops. 

These woks feature a base that is both broad and flat, which improves contact with the heating element and consequently, the amount of heat that is transferred. It is possible to increase the wok’s ability to retain heat by selecting one that has a thick bottom. In addition, it is essential to warm the wok before adding the components to accomplish the outcomes that you want from the stir-fry. 

It just takes a few minutes of the wok being heated over a high heat source for it to achieve the required te mperature. Because electric stoves often have a longer reaction time than gas stoves, patience is essential throughout the preheating process. It is crucial to note that electric stoves typically cost more than gas stoves. To facilitate speedy and consistent cooking, a further piece of advice is to chop the components into smaller, more uniform pieces. 

In this way, the reduced heat output of the electric cooker may be somewhat compensated for. Another way to keep the heat consistent when stir-frying is to work in fewer batches rather than stuffing the wok completely.

In addition, while preparing food on an electric hob using a wok, it is advised that you use oils that have high smoke points, such as peanut, avocado, or grapeseed oil. Because these oils can endure greater temperatures without catching fire, they are superior for use in searing and stir-frying.

How to Properly Season a Wok?

It is vital to season a wok perfectly to improve its non-stick traits, prevent rust, and produce a lovely patina that adds flavor to the food you prepare. The following are the stages that need to be followed in order to season a wok:

  • Washing the wok: Before adding any spice, make sure that the wok has been washed completely with warm water and gentle dish soap to eliminate any oils or residues left over from the manufacturing process. Scrubbing the surface lightly with a sponge or a soft brush is recommended. It has to be washed carefully and dried properly.
  • Heating the wok: Put the wok on the stovetop and turn the heat to medium-high. Heating the wok helps to open up the pores in the metal, making it ready to receive the seasoning that will be applied later.
  • Adding oil: When the wok reaches the desired temperature, add some oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, flaxseed, or vegetable oil. Make sure that the oil covers the whole area of the cooking surface, including the sides, by swirling it around. To ensure that the oil is spread out evenly, a heat-resistant brush or a set of tongs should be used.
  • Increase heat and cool: Raise the temperature to its highest setting, then watch as the oil heats up to the point where it begins to smoke. This suggests that the oil is making a connection with the surface of the wok. To ensure that the oil is distributed evenly over the wok, tilt and rotate it. After a few minutes, remove the wok from the fire and let it cool down at its own pace.
  • Remove excess oil: When the wok has cooled down to the touch, remove any excess oil from it with a paper towel or a clean cloth and wipe it clean. This assists in removing any residue that may have been left behind throughout the seasoning process, whether it be sticky or oily.
  • Repeat: It is advisable to repeat the seasoning procedure a total of two or three times to get a well-seasoned wok. After each application, cover the surface with a very thin coating of oil, heat it until it begins to smoke, let it cool, and then wipe off any excess oil. Over time, the wok’s performance will increase as a result of this since the non-stick coating will have had more time to build up.
  • Important Point: After seasoning the wok, you should make a point of not using soap or any other abrasive cleansers on it since doing so might remove the protective coating. Instead, wash the wok with hot water, a delicate brush, and a little scrubbing if it seems like it needs it. A well-seasoned wok may be transformed into a flexible and trustworthy cooking instrument for the preparation of a wide variety of flavorful stir-fries and other Asian foods with the right kind of care and maintenance.

Things Not to Do While Use A Wok On An Electric Stove

When using a wok on an electric burner, there are a few things you should steer clear of in order to guarantee that your cooking experience is both secure and successful. The following is a list of essential “don’ts” that should be kept in mind:

  • Don’t keep it on excess heat: For stir-frying, preheating the wok is necessary; however, using an electric hob with a heat setting that is too high might cause the wok to get damaged and result in cooking that is not uniform. Maintain a heat level of medium-high throughout the cooking process, making adjustments as necessary.
  • Don’t cook with too many ingredients: When there are too many ingredients in the wok, they may steam instead of being stir-fried if the wok is overloaded. This causes the meal to be undercooked and mushy as a consequence. Cook in small batches and allow each ingredient adequate room to ensure that it cooks evenly. This will help you maintain optimum heat distribution.
  • Don’t cook with cold or wet ingredients: When cold or wet materials are added immediately to a hot wok, it may cause the temperature to decrease, which in turn results in the heat being lost. Before beginning to stir-fry, it is recommended to bring the ingredients to room temperature and then pat them dry. This ensures that there is adequate heat transmission and avoids a stir-fry from becoming too watery.
  • Don’t cook without seasoning: The process of seasoning a wok is essential for producing a surface that does not stick and avoiding corrosion. It is important to season the wok before using it since failure to do so might cause food to cling, which makes cleanup more difficult. To preserve and improve the functionality of your wok, it is important to follow the correct seasoning procedure.
  • Don’t use metal utensils: When cooking with a wok that has a non-stick coating or when the wok is constructed of a material that is readily scratched, you should avoid using metal utensils. To avoid damaging the wok’s surface, it is recommended that you use utensils made of wood, bamboo, or silicone instead.
  • Don’t pause the cooking: To properly stir-fry, you need to pay attention to it constantly and move quickly. When food is left unattended in a wok on a hot electric burner, it runs the risk of being overdone or even burned. Maintain vigilance and keep a careful check on the cooking process to get the outcomes you seek.
  • Don’t keep the food in the wok after cooking: If you leave food in the wok after it has been used for cooking, it may leave stains that are difficult to remove and make the cleanup process more difficult. As soon as the food is done cooking, remove it from the wok and place it in a separate dish. This will prevent the residue from drying out and becoming stuck to the pan.
  • Don’t add cold liquid while cooking: Do not pour cold liquids straight into a hot wok. Adding cold liquids immediately into a hot wok, such as sauces or broths, may produce abrupt fluctuations in temperature and even splattering. In order to keep the temperature of the cooking constant from start to finish, liquids should be heated up gradually before being added to the wok.
  • Don’t use the wok on a burner larger than its base: It is important that the wok not be used on a burner that is any bigger than its base. Make sure the heat is distributed evenly by using a hob that is proportionately sized to the base of the wok. If you use a hob that is much bigger than the one you have, you run the risk of experiencing uneven heating, and the handle may get dangerously hot.
  • Don’t store it while it’s hot: After using the wok, you should wait until it has fully cooled down before putting it away. Storing the wok while it is still hot is not a good idea. Condensation, which may lead to rust or damage the surface of the wok, can occur if a heated wok is stored for an extended period. Before putting it away in a cool, dry area, check to see that it is entirely dry.


Which wok should I use on electric stoves?

You can lay the flat-bottomed wok straight on top of the heating coils, and it will remain firmly in position, just like any other flat pan or pot. Using a flat-bottomed wok on an electric burner that has a coil top is really easy. 

Do not use your wok with a round bottom on an electric hob that has coils. Even with a wok ring, the wok will not sit flat on the electric coil and might tip over, resulting in a tremendous mess and, in the worst situations, you can get harmful burns.

Can I use a round bottom wok on an electric stove?

As it turns out, yes. You may put a wok with a circular bottom directly on the flat coil or on top of your electric stove if you have a wok rack attachment. It may take longer for the wok to heat up when using an electric hob and a rack to elevate it slightly above the cooking source. It will also be difficult to get the wok as hot as a wok with a flat bottom.

Can I use a wok on an induction stove?

Despite using the same fuel source, induction stoves function differently from electric stoves. Electric currents are used to raise the temperature of the cooking pot in an induction stove. The sole stipulation is that the pot or pan be constructed of a magnetic substance like steel, iron, or stainless steel. 

Your work should work OK on an induction stove top if it is constructed from a ferromagnetic metal. However, the risks associated with using a wok on a glass top electric burner are also present here.


In conclusion, even though using a wok on an electric stove top provides a few problems, it is absolutely practical to make stir-fried foods that are to one’s liking. You may get the most out of your time spent in the kitchen if you use a wok with a flat bottom that is meant for use on electric stoves, if you correctly warm the wok, if you chop the contents into smaller pieces, and if you use oils that have a high smoke point. 

Electric stoves have a slower heat response and a lower heat intensity than gas stoves, thus it is essential to keep these restrictions in mind while using one. Stir-frying may be done on an electric stove using a wok if the appropriate procedures, tools, and modifications are made. This cooking method allows for a wide variety of preparations and yields wonderful results.

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I live in New York, United States. I did my graduation the City University of New York. Now I am a housewife. I am passionate about cooking and I also specialize in cookware and kitchen appliances. I have 6 years more of experience with cookware and kitchen appliances product review. If you have any queries about cookware and kitchen appliances you can easily contact us.

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